Switching Aggregators
If you have previously registered your system with the NH DOE to generate RECs and are currently selling your RECs to a different aggregator, but would like to switch to CPCNH, follow the steps described below.
Step 1: Review Your Current Aggregator Contract
Look through your current aggregator's contract to understand what their terms and conditions are around contract cancelation. If, after doing this and considering any potential early termination fees, you’d still like to switch, then proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Review, Fill Out, and Submit REC Sale and Purchase Agreement
Review CPCNH's Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Sale and Purchase Agreement and the current REC purchase price for the applicable REC class as posted on https://www.cpcnh.org/rec.
Sign and print your name and fill in the date on page 5 of the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Sale and Purchase Agreement (linked to above)
Fill in all "Seller info" and "Facility info" in the Appendix (i.e., page 6). If needed, your installer should be able to help with the “Facility info” portion of the Appendix.
Once you have finished, submit an electronic copy of the signed Agreement by uploading it here.
CPCNH will retain the submitted Agreement with your signature until all other steps in this list have been completed, at which time CPCNH will fill in the remaining items in the Appendix (based on other information that you will have provided along the way), countersign the Agreement, and email you an electronic copy signed by both parties for your records.
Step 3: Cancel Your Current Aggregator Contract
Cancel your contract with your current aggregator, ideally abiding by their terms and conditions (to avoid any early termination fees), and ask them to transfer your "generator" to the Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH) account within NEPOOL GIS.
Your current aggregator should know how to make this transfer (if they don’t, email us for instructions). CPCNH will receive notification once the transfer has been made, at which point your generator will become part of CPCNH’s aggregation.
Note that only your generator (i.e., PV system) will transfer to CPCNH; any RECs that have already been created by your PV system but not yet paid for by your current aggregator will not transfer (but presumably your current aggregator will pay you for all RECs created up to the date of termination — check your contract with them).
Step 4: Notify NH DOE
After the switch is complete in NEPOOL GIS, notify NH DOE that your RECs are now being aggregated by CPCNH rather than by your current aggregator.
This requires an email from you addressed to "recapplicationgroup@energy.nh.gov" alerting DOE that you are switching aggregators and henceforth will allow CPCNH to aggregate your RECs.
Include sufficient information in your email to allow NH DOE to identify your system(s) in their records — e.g., your name, the facility name (if different), and ideally also your NEPOOL GIS facility code(s), which likely starts with “NON”.