Public Advocacy
The Coalition represents consumer interests and the collective voice of its Community Power municipal members before state policymakers and state regulatory agencies, including the Public Utilities Commission and New Hampshire Department of Energy.
Changes in law and regulations that adversely impact Community Power programs are a source of risk for the Coalition and its Members. Furthermore, extending and maintaining the full range of benefits that Community Power could create for customers will require informed participation and advocacy on energy issues at the Legislature and Public Utilities Commission.
The Coalition’s regulatory and legislative engagement is guided by the understanding that we can achieve common sense, consumer-friendly policies and regulations that recognize the value of local decision making — when we speak with one voice.
Legislative & Regulatory Engagement
Legislative & regulatory advocacy is grounded in the NH Constitution, statutes, and policy, which favor competition & customer choice for electricity supply and related service & flows from CPCNH's Regulatory and Legislative Affairs Committee Charter.
Charter objectives:
Advancing Community Benefits through Open Access to the Electric System
Free market competition to achieve affordable, equitable, and sustainable energy transition
Increasing Innovation through Local Control, Equity, & Community Development
Local control and autonomy to achieve innovation and value creation
Enforcement of Laws, Market Rules, and Regulations