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New REC Registrations

If you have never registered your system with the New Hampshire Department of Energy (NH DOE) to generate RECs, you must follow the 6-step process detailed below.

Note: Registering your system to generate and sell RECs is a multi-step process. There are state and regional regulatory requirements that must be met. Even when everything goes smoothly, the process can still take a while. We have tried to make this process as easy as possible for you by (A) laying out these instructions, (B) making all required forms fillable and pre-filling the portions that we can, and (C) handling those steps in the process that we are able to take care of ourselves (e.g., registering your system with NEPOOL GIS). Even so, this process will require some work and attention to detail on your end. Before launching in, please review all steps listed below to make sure that you understand everything required.

Step 1: Review, Fill Out, and Submit REC Sale and Purchase Agreement

  • Review CPCNH's Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Sale and Purchase Agreement and the current REC purchase price for the applicable REC class as posted on

  • Sign and print your name and fill in the date on page 5 of the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Sale and Purchase Agreement (linked to above)

  • Fill in all "Seller info" and "Facility info" in the Appendix (i.e., page 6). If needed, your installer should be able to help with the “Facility info” portion of the Appendix.

  • Once you have finished, submit an electronic copy of the signed Agreement by uploading it here.


CPCNH will retain the submitted Agreement with your signature until all other steps in this list have been completed, at which time CPCNH will fill in the remaining items in the Appendix (based on other information that you will have provided along the way), countersign the Agreement, and email you an electronic copy signed by both parties for your records.

Step 2: Review, Fill Out, and Upload the REC Eligibility Application


CPCNH has pre-filled as much of this information as we can; you are responsible for providing the remaining information and affirming the various attestations. If you need help with this task, ask the contractor who installed your system, as they should have all this information handy. If you are working with an Independent Monitor**,  they may be able to help you answer the various check boxes. Until you fill out this form and submit it to CPCNH for review, we have very little information about your system; as such, we are not able to help with this task.

Step 3: CPCNH Registers Your System with NEPOOL GIS & Obtains “GIS Facility Code”

Once CPCNH is satisfied that your REC Eligibility Application form is complete, we will use the information supplied on that form to register your system within the New England Power Pool’s Generation Information System (NEPOOL GIS). NEPOOL GIS is New England’s official REC registry and is where the RECs generated by your system will be created. Registering your system with NEPOOL GIS will result in the creation of the “GIS Facility Code” that is requested on the NH DOE application. CPCNH will add this GIS Facility Code to your NH DOE application and then send the application back to you to submit to the NH DOE (see next step). Note that your NEPOOL GIS facility status will be listed as “Pending” until the NH DOE approves your application and notifies NEPOOL GIS that it has certified your system as eligible to generate RECs.

Step 4: Email Completed Application to NH DOE

  • Once you have received the NH DOE’s REC Eligibility Application back from CPCNH with the GIS Facility Code filled in, you must email the completed form to NH DOE at

  • For the email subject line, we suggest “REC Eligibility Application attached.”

  • For the body of the email, we suggest “Attached, please find a completed REC Eligibility Application for my PV system. I own this system and grant CPCNH permission to aggregate the RECs generated by this system.”

  • Include your contact info as well. After submitting the completed form via email, please monitor your email for potential responses from NH DOE, in case they have any questions on your application.

Step 5: Receive NH DOE Approval and Countersigned Agreement from CPCNH

Once NH DOE approves your REC Eligibility Application and issues a certificate of eligibility for your facility, CPCNH will (A) fill in the remaining items in the Appendix of the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Sale and Purchase Agreement that you signed back in Step 1, (B) countersign that same Agreement, and (C) email you an electronic copy of the Agreement containing both signatures for your records.

Step 6: NEPOOL GIS Process Certification – REC Generation Begins!

The final step involves NH DOE informing NEPOOL GIS that they have certified your facility. Depending on the certification date, this step could take a few weeks as NH DOE informs NEPOOL GIS of new certifications only once a month. Once NEPOOL GIS receives this news, it will switch your account status from “Pending” to “Approved,” at which point your system will be ready to generate RECs!

**NH DOE maintains a list of approved Independent Monitors. If your system’s inverters/meters meet the NEPOOL GIS requirements for meter accuracy and reporting capabilities, you can forego hiring an Independent Monitor. For example, SolarEdge has a number of products that meet this threshold; other manufacturers may as well. Talk to your installer early in the process to see whether they can provide the necessary approved equipment.

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