Registered, but not Currently Selling
If you have previously registered your system with the NH DOE to generate RECs but are not currently selling RECs, follow the steps described below.
Step 1: Review, Fill Out, and Submit REC Sale and Purchase Agreement
Review CPCNH's Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Sale and Purchase Agreement and the current REC purchase price for the applicable REC class as posted on
Sign and print your name and fill in the date on page 5 of the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) Sale and Purchase Agreement (linked to above)
Fill in all "Seller info" and "Facility info" in the Appendix (i.e., page 6). If needed, your installer should be able to help with the “Facility info” portion of the Appendix.
Once you have finished, submit an electronic copy of the signed Agreement by uploading it here.
CPCNH will retain the submitted Agreement with your signature until all other steps in this list have been completed, at which time CPCNH will fill in the remaining items in the Appendix (based on other information that you will have provided along the way), countersign the Agreement, and email you an electronic copy signed by both parties for your records.
Step 2: Notify NEPOOL GIS of Transfer of Facility/Generator to CPCNH Aggregation
If you fall into this scenario, this implies that you already have an account set up in NEPOOL GIS where your “facility” or “generator” currently resides.
You will need to transfer your facility/generator to CPCNH’s aggregation. To do this, email the GIS Administrator ( to notify them of the transfer.
Suggested email subject line: "notification of transfer of my generator to CPCNH's account."
Suggested email body: "I am writing to advise you that I have agreed to allow the Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH) to aggregate RECs from my facility (INSERT YOUR GIS FACILITY CODE HERE—it likely starts with “NON”). As such, I will be transferring my generator (INSERT YOUR GIS FACILITY CODE) to CPCNH's account and am writing to notify you in advance of that transfer per GIS Operating Rule 2.6(b) and/or (c). Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions."
Step 3: Login to NEPOOL GIS to Make Transfer
Log into your NEPOOL GIS account to make the transfer.
Once inside your account, you should see "Transfer" as one of the menu items across the top of the screen. If you click on "Transfer" and select "GIS Generators" it should bring up a list of your generators/facilities and their Unit IDs (aka GIS Facility Codes).
Select the generator that you want to transfer (by clicking the box on the left side of the table), and then at the top of that box in the dropdown menu titled "Transfer to", select "Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire."
Next, click the box at the bottom, which attests that you have emailed the GIS Administrator about this transfer in advance of executing the transfer.
Finally, click the "Transfer Ownership" box at the bottom right of the screen. Once you have completed this step, CPCNH will receive an email notifying us that your facility/generator has been transferred to our account.
Step 4: Notify NHDOE of Your Transfer to CPCNH Aggregation
The final step is to notify NH DOE that your generator/facility is now part of CPCNH’s aggregation.
Suggested email title: "notifying you that [INSERT YOUR GIS FACILITY CODE] is now part of CPCNH's REC aggregation."
Suggested email body: "I am writing to advise you that I have agreed to allow the Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire (CPCNH) to aggregate RECs from my facility (INSERT GIS FACILITY CODE). As such, I have transferred my generator (INSERT GIS FACILITY CODE) to CPCNH's account in NEPOOL GIS and am writing to let you know of this change so that you can adjust your records. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions."